Grants and Sponsored Projects — Research at the New School

Grants and Sponsored Projects

In keeping with the mission of The New School, it makes sense to think of research broadly and inclusively, while keeping distinctions between different kinds of efforts clear.

The bold ideas, important perspectives, and thoughtful responses that emerge from The New School help create meaningful change in our city and our world.

The awards below represent a selection of the ongoing sponsored activities by the The New School’s faculty.

+ Awards in Fiscal Year 2021

  • Economic Recovery Project / New York Community Trust / Kristin Morse: School. This grant is to be used to provide information on New York City’s economy, labor market, and public schools during the COVID-19 crisis,
  • Doctoral Dissertation Research: Financial Technologies, New Financial Markets, and Socio-Economic Life / National Science Foundaton / Carlos Forment and Santiago Mandirola: To support a project tracing the development of financial technologies in South America, which makes intelligible the role of STEM disciplines in generating new forms of credit and indebtedness in a context where indebtedness rates are on the rise worldwide and credit remains crucial to access education, healthcare, housing, and subsistence.
  • Carbon Capture and Sequestration Dashboard / Rockefeller Brothers Fund / June Sekera: To support a dashboard tool for policymakers that displays the carbon emission capture potential for a range of sequestration technologies.
  • Parsons Scholars Program / Pinkerton Foundation / Anne Gaines: To support the Parsons Scholars Program.
  • Environmental migration in coastal cities of sub-Saharan Africa / Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH / Achilles Kallergis: To support a project developing more granular systematic data on environmental mobility patterns in cities in Sub-Saharan Africa and establishing an action plan at the neighborhood and city levels for addressing environmental migration and improving the conditions in the destination areas of migrants.
  • New York City Department of Social Services Study / New York City Human Resources Administration / Kristin Morse: To provide the New York City Department of Social Services / Human Resources Administration with a nuanced view of the depth of the COVID-19 crisis for specific populations, to be used as a tool for City agencies to better serve their constituents.
  • Project on global governance of climate migration / Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH / Alex Aleinikoff: In support of project on global governance of climate migration and the responsibility of the international community in situations of mobility due to environmental events.
  • Chicago Color of Wealth Survey Phase Two / Chicago Community Trust / Darrick Hamilton: In support of Phase Two (Part B) planning of the Chicago Color of Wealth study.
  • Mellon Initiative for Inclusive Faculty Excellence / Mellon Foundation / Dwight McBride and Stephanie Browner: To establish a postdoctoral fellowship program to promote the hiring of scholars who would enhance diversity among faculty in the humanities.
  • Institute for Transformative Mentoring / Pinkerton Foundation / Kristin Morse: To support a training institute for credible messenger mentors.
  • DaShengOnePlus Collaboration / Da Sheng / Kyle Li: To support a studio for students to research UX/UI design challenges that the mobile industry is facing in the future.
  • Vera List Center Support / Mellon Foundation / Carin Kuoni: To support a pilot project to bridge politically engaged art, scholarship, and public engagement at the Vera List Center for Art and Politics.
  • Perception & Use of Urban Parks, Phase 2 / New York State Health Foundation / Timon McPhearson: To support the sustainability of the Building Healthy Communities Grantees in two areas: policy & advocacy and communications support.
  • The Color of Wealth in Chicago Study / Kresge Foundation / Darrick Hamilton: To support the Color of Wealth in Chicago survey.
  • Mainstreaming Environmental and Climate Migration into Urban Policy in Cities of Latin America and the Caribbean / Inter-American Development Bank / Achilles Kallergies: To facilitate the collection, analysis, and dissemination of territorial data on migrants, as a way to improve the capacity of subnational entities in the formulation of public policies for their integration and protection.
  • For core support of InsideSchools / Carnegie Foundation / Kristin Morse: To support InsideSchools.
  • Partnership to Facilitate an Inclusive Economic Rights Agenda ́ / Kresge Foundation / Darrick Hamilton: To support the Color of Wealth in Chicago survey.
  • Support for Tthe Institute for the Study of Race, Stratification, and Political Economy. / Hewlett Foundation / Darrick Hamilton: To support the Color of Wealth in Chicago survey.
  • CNYCA NYC Employment and Training Coalition (NYCETC) / Fund for the City of New York / James Parrott: To support projects including analyzing the new survey of activities and challenges of member organizations and preparing a public report on the findings, helping to shape and prepare the state of New York City workforce report, and assisting with Economic Recovery proposals and the Business Advisory Board.
  • Color of Wealth Survey / JP Morgan Chase Foundation / Darrick Hamilton: To support the Color of Wealth Survery in Chciago.
  • New Approaches to Analyzing Social Media Content for Enhancing Census Bureau Data / Department of Commerce/University of Michigan / Michael Schober: To support a project studying whether and how analyses of social media data can add value to social research and the production of official statistics based on probability samples.
  • Voices from the Frontline: Survey on Impact of COVID-19 on Frontline Workers, Data Analysis and Report, Including Recommendations / Workforce Professionals Training Institute / Kristin Morse: To support a survey of frontline workforce development professionals across New York City, focused on the impact of COVID-19 on their workplace experience, as well as additional research and data analysis on this topic.
  • Intergroup conflict and beliefs in supernatural entities / National Science Foundation / Jeremy Ginges: To support research that aims to elucidate how belief in supernatural entities concerned with human moral behavior influences decision making in inter-group interactions.
  • Periclean Faculty Leaders in the Humanities / Project Pericles / Benoit Challand and Cecilia Rubino: To support the developemnt of a new course in the humanities, or the substantial revision of a current course, that incorporates one or more community-based projects that address one or more of the following grand challenges: Climate Change, Education Access, Immigration, Mass Incarceration, Race and Inequality, and Voter Engagement.
  • Environmental Justice Movement Fellowship / JPB Foundation / Ana Baptista: To support the Environmental Justice Movement Fellowship.
  • Villa 20 and COVID-19: The Benefits of Building Social Capital in the Informal Settlements of Buenos Aires / Chalmers University of Technology / Michael Cohen: To support a research study on the impact of the upgrading of the Villa 20 slum community in Buenos Aires from 2017-2020 on the capacity of the community to withstand the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • New York String Orchestra Seminar / Colburn Foundation / Rohana Elias-Reyes: To support the New York String Orchestra Seminar.
  • Has the Rise of E-Commerce Impacted Retail Entrepreneurship / Ewing Marion Kaufmann Foundation / Rachel Meltzer: To support to study how the rise of online commerce has impacted the viability of offline retail entrepreneurial activity.
  • Reducing Stigma Among Healthcare Providers to Improve Mental Health Services / National Institutes of Health / Adam Brown: To support the development of a Competency Assessment Tool.
  • CNYCA COVID-19 Workforce / New York Community Trust / Kristin Morse: To help workforce organizations and policymakers interpret economic and labor market shifts due to COVID-19.
  • CNYCA COVID-19 Workforce Analysis / Robin Hood Foundation / Kristin Morse: To support economic analysis, policy development, and advocacy addressing the workforce, economic assistance, and policy needs of workers affected by the COVID-19 crisis.
  • Sawyer Seminar on the Comparative Study of Cultures / Andrew W. Mellon Foundation / Gustav Peebles: To support a seminar entitled “Currency and Empire: Monetary Policy, Race, and Power”.
  • Collaborative Research: The Emergence of New Capital Markets / National Science Foundation / Janet Roitman: To support the advancement of understanding contemporary geographies of transnational finance. Specifically, to provide answers to the puzzle of why finance capital crosses certain borders but not others, focusing on the building blocks of African capital markets.
  • The Listening Post Collectives' "Editor-on-Call" "Give Help, Get Help" program / Internews Network / John Rudolph: To enable Feet in Two Worlds to collaborate with other partners to bolster their editorial output, partnerships with both media and community organizations, and fundraising.
  • Environmental Justice of Urban Flood Risk and Green Infrastructure Solutions / Groundwork Hudson Valley, Inc. / Timon McPhearson: To fund development of data visualization and analysis tools that will allow Groundwork (the Sponsor) to study and communicate the distribution of flood risk across Yonkers, NY.
  • State Factsheets Project / The Coefficient Group / Ana Baptista: To support publication of state-specific factsheets for each of the top five U.S. states with the largest footprint of MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) incinerators.
  • Graduate Minor in Community Cultural Development / Artplace America / Maggie Koozer: To support a new graduate minor in Community Cultural Development under the M.A. in Arts Management and Entrepreneurship offered at the College of Performing Arts.
  • Phylogenomic and Socioeconomic Correlates of COVID-19 Transmission in NYC / Research Foundation of CUNY / Davida Smyth: To fund the generation of amplicon and enriched libraries of SARS-CoV-2 isolated from wastewater for DNA sequencing and the mapping of the resulting genetic information onto maps of New York.
  • Distributed Governance - OSF FY21 / Open Society Foundations / Trebor Scholz: To study the feasibility of an online governance tool for geographically distributed, poor, self-employed women delivering in-home beauty services in an urban setting.
  • Up-and-coming designers and psychologists to create Mental Health Psychosocial Solutions for Young People in Developing Countries / Association for Psychological Science / Miriam Steele: To bring together teams composed of psychology and design students to collaborate with NGOs to develop innovative, evidence-based solutions to deliver Mental Health and Psychosocial Support to children and adolescents in Africa and South Asia.

+ Awards in Fiscal Year 2020

Listed by title / sponsor / principal investigator / description

  • The Smartphone Pandemic: Mobile technologies and data in the COVID-19 response (SMARTCOVID) / University of Oslo / Sakiko Fukuda-Parr: This project will provide the first study of the political and social implications of the rapid introduction of new smartphone technologies and mobile data as part of social countermeasures to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • MA TESOL Outreach Program 2020 / The SQA Foundation / Lesley Painter-Farrell: To underwrite two Senior Teaching Fellows and two Outreach Fellows in the MA TESOL programme.
  • COVID-19 Economic Policy Response / The New York Community Trust / Kristin Morse: To support the Center for New York City Affairs in their effort to help workforce organizations and policymakers interpret Covid-19 related economic data.
  • Equitable & Just Climate Platform / The Partnership Project / Ana Baptista: To provide support to the Tishman Environment and Design Center's Equitable & Just Climate Platform.
  • Vera List Center FY21/22 Program Support / Warhol Foundation / Carin Kuoni: To provide program support over two years for The Vera List Center for Art and Politics at The New School.
  • CNYCA - Police Athletic League (PAL) FY20 / Police Athletic League / Kristin Morse: To design remote learning (virtual enrichment) programs for young people (18-24) participating in VIBE summer programming and residing in select areas.
  • Berggruen Fellowship / University of Southern California / Trebor Scholz: To support Trebor Scholz's appointment as a USC Berggruen Fellow at the University of Southern California.
  • Child Welfare Watch FY21 / Child Welfare Fund / Kristin Morse: To support Child Welfare Watch at CNYCA
  • RAPID: Collaborative Research: Metapopulation Modeling to Develop Strategies to Reduce COVID-19 Transmission in Public Space / National Science Foundation / Davida Smyth: To provide funding for a Collaborative Research project regarding Metapopulation Modeling to Develop Strategies to Reduce COVID-19 Transmission in Public Spaces.
  • 2020 NGLS Indoor Evaluations / Battelle Memorial Institute (via U.S. Dept. of Energy) / Craig Bernecker: To support the Next Generation Lighting Systems (NGLS) project to evaluate today's connected lighting systems in real-world installations.
  • Feet in 2 Worlds / David and Katherine Moore Family Foundation / Kristin Morse: To support CNYCA's Feet in 2 Worlds programme.
  • Africa Is a County - OSF - Tax & Climate Justice / Open Society Foundations / Sean Jacobs: To support Africa Is a Country to deepen and move mainstream conversations in Africa (and globally) about natural resource extraction, the distribution of wealth and the effects of climate change, as well as to galvanize public debate and organizing towards progressive change.
  • Materials-Based Research / Center for Craft / Annette Millington: To fund research into environmentally responsive embellishment methods for textile.
  • RAPID: Interdependent Social Vulnerability of COVID-19 and Weather-Related Hazards In New York City / National Science Foundation / Timon McPhearson: Funding to integrate survey, social media, building infrastructure, energy demand and use, and social-demographic data with simulations of potential emerging weather-related extremes to examine interdependent social vulnerability to COVID-19 and weather in NYC.
  • New York String Orchestra Seminar / Colburn Foundation / Rohana Elias-Reyes: To provide funding for operating expenses for NYSOS in FY21.
  • Core Support for the Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis / Ford Foundation / Teresa Ghilarducci: To provide core support for SCEPA in 2020.
  • New School Concerts FY21 / National Endowment for the Arts / Rohana Elias-Reyes: To support the New School Concerts' New York String Orchestra Seminar.
  • Time for a Real Look at How the New York State Workers' Compensation System Treats Workers / Injured Workers Bar Association (IWBA) / James Parrott: To update and revise report of the same name released in 2019.
  • Mobile 2030 Collaboration Studio / Da Sheng International Trade Co., Ltd. / Kyle Li: To collaborate on a collaboration studio for students to research UX/UI design challenges that the mobile industry is facing in the future.
  • White Paper on the Economic Impact of a Thrift Savings Plan for All / Saving USA / Teresa Ghilarducci: To produce a white paper on the economic impact of a Thrift Savings Plan for All.
  • Rasing Good Gamers / Games for Change / Heather Chaplin: To help convene the Raising Good Gamers summit, February 25th - 26th, 2020.
  • Open Seed / NYC Media Lab / Sven Travis: To explore a use case, develop a prototype and advise on what may be achievable in the near term for Estee Lauder Companies to develop AI-animated responsive characters.
  • Stop the Money Pipeline / Sustainable Markets Foundation / Ludovica Martella / Ana Baptista: To produce a project for Earth Day.
  • Multidimensional Measurement and Analysis of Child Poverty in Ecuador / UNICEF / Alberto Minujin: To produce the National Report on the Situation Analysis of the Multidimensional Poverty for Children and Adolescents in Ecuador.
  • The Mount Sinai Transdiciplinary Center on Early Environmental Exposures / Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai / Alison Mears: To coordinate research developing report-back templates and design strategies to report tooth lead levels to study subjects.
  • Library Reentry Blueprint / National Endowment for the Arts / Eduardo Staszowski: Designing the Public Library to Support the Successful Transition of the Formerly Incarcertated To support a design initiative to support local library branches in serving formerly incarcerated people and their families.
  • For General Support to the New University in Exile Consortium / Carnegie Corporation of New York / Arien Mack: For core support to the New University in Exile Consortium.
  • Parsons School of Design & Estee Lauder CoLab Studio / NYC Media Lab / Sven Travis: To explore a use case, develop a prototype and advise on what may be achievable in the near term for Estee Lauder Companies to develop AI-animated responsive characters.
  • Census Security / Mayor's Fund to Advance New York City / Greta Byrum: To develop and pilot curricula and workshops retaled to census digital security in New York City.
  • Schneider Concerts at The New School / New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) / Rohana Elias-Reyes: To support the production of the Schneider Concerts over three years.
  • NYC Mental Health / New York Community Trust / Kristin Morse: To secure mental health services for New York's children and adolecents.
  • Mentor Support / Pinkerton Foundation / Kristin Morse: To support training institute for credible messenger mentors.
  • Parsons Scholars / Pinkerton Foundation / Nadia Williams: To support the work of the Parsons Scholars Program.
  • "Five Car Stud: Ed Kienholz at the Fraught Crossroads where Class, Race, Sex and Violence Keep Intersecting Across American History" / Open Society Foundations / Maya Wiley: To support research that will address American history through the lens of artist Edward Kienholz's installation, "Five Car Stud".
  • 400 Years of Inequality / The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation / Mindy Fullilove: Observing the Anniversary of Jamestown To study the impact of observances of the 400th anniversary of Jamestown's founding on the nation's collective recovery from its history of slavery.
  • Policy Paper on Advancing Broadband Connectivity for Refugees and Hosts / The World Bank / T. Alex Aleinikoff To craft a policy paper on Advancing Broadband Connectivity for Refugees and Hosts.
  • TNC Economic Analysis / City of Seattle / James Parrott To create an economic analysis and recommendation for a minimum compensation standard for Taxi drivers in the City of Seattle.
  • 3-Day Speculative Design Workshop / Gallo / Regina Law
  • Guided search to help parents, especially new immigrants, find good public schools / Carnegie Corporation of New York / Kristin Morse: To support the creation of an elementary school search for families in New York City.
  • Otherworldly: Performance, Costume and Difference / Coby Foundation / Francesca Granata: To support the upcoming exhibition, "Otherworldly: Performance, Costume and Difference".
  • Residency Support / Institute of International Education / Arien Mack: To support Dr. Gaudencio Fidelis' residency as a University in Exile Scholar.
  • Schneider Concerts Support / New York City Department of Cultural Affairs / Rohana Elias-Reyes: To support the New York String Orchestra Seminar and the Schneider Concerts Chamber Music Series.
  • Child Welfare Watch / Ira W. DeCamp Foundation / Kristin Morse: To support the Center for New York City Affairs' Child Welfare Watch program.
  • CCC Partnership / Citizens’ Committee for Children of New York / Kristin Morse: To support CNYCA's partnership with Citizens' Committee for Children of New York (CCC) in convening and co-leading the Children's Mental Health Campaign to secure urgently needed mental health services for children and adolescents in New York State.
  • The Cities, Mobility and Membership Research Collaborative / Open Society Foundations / T. Alex Aleinikoff: To support the creation of a research collaborative
  • Environmental Justice Leadership Program / NorthLight Foundation Ana Baptista / Sujatha Jesudason: To support the launch of an innovative new leadership program for activists in the Environmental Justice movement.
  • Open Style Lab / Craig H. Neilsen Foundation / Grace Jun: To support Open Style Lab's partnership with the BFA Fashion yearlong course to forge an initial case study example for retail partnerships on the lack of accessible apparel for people with disabilities and creating opportunities for systemic change via inclusion and sustainability.
  • CONVERGANCE: Converging social, ecological, and technological infrastructure systems (SETS) for urban resilience / Arizona State University / Timon McPhearson: To coordinate research and lead scenario modeling on Arizona State University's award from the NSF.
  • Growbots / Tower Hill Botanic Garden / Harpreet Sareen: To support a "Growbots" exhibition of plant/robot hybrids at Tower Hill Botanic Garden in Boylston, MA.
  • Design Researcher In Residence / A/D/O / Fiona Raby: To investigate how the digital world contributes to our contemporary understanding of political and social borders.
  • Ancient Greek Fellowships / Onassis Foundation / Simon Critchley: To establish a program of fellowships in Ancient Greek Studies and for the instruction of Ancient Greek Thought and Language within the NSSR's Department of Philosophy.
  • Systems Open Style Lab / Silicon Valley Community Foundation / Grace Jun: To support Grace Jun in integrating accessible technology into colege level coursework.
  • Inside Schools / Walton Family Foundation / Kristin Morse: To support InsideSchools' mission to provide families with the informational tools they need to make informed public school choices.
  • Sharing Memories and Emotions / BSF (US-Israel Binational Science Foundation) / Adam Brown: A Binational Discourse Analysis of Israeli and American Military Couples To support "Sharing Memories and Emotions: A Binational Discourse Analysis of Israeli and American Military Couples"
  • SCE Design Studio / Moroccanoil / Robert Kirkbride: To support a Fall 2019 SCE design studio and student research competition into disruptive, unique, environmentally-friendly primary and secondary packaging.
  • Lecture / The New Museum / Fiona Raby: To broaden the reach of science to non-scientists.
  • Calik Denim / Calik Denim Tekstil / Jason Kass: To investigate denim through the lens of design and construction and its rich history and influence in the fashion industry.
  • Collaborative Research: Accel-Net: Nature-Based Soultions for Urban Resilience in the Anthropocene (NATURA) / National Science Foundation / Timon McPhearson: To support the creation and maintenance of an international network of networks linking researchers and practitioners working on the theory and application of nature-based solution to urban problems characteristic of the Anthropocene.
  • Africa is a Country / Open Society Foundations / Sean Jacobs: To provide operational support for Africa Is a Country at The New School.
  • Design Research Studio / Kontoor Brands / Regina Law
  • Work Progress Program / New York City Human Resources Administration / Kristin Morse: To help provide on-the-job training and employment for young adults in New York City.
  • Forced Migration and Mental Health / Social Science Research Council / Adam Brown: Transforming Mental Health Education and Research Through Interdisciplinary Partnerships: To support the convening of researchers, policy makers, practitioners, students and social entrepreneurs to explore ways mental health education and training may better address the mental health needs of refugees and forcibly displaced migrants.
  • The Complete Short Stories of American Author Charles W. Chestnutt (1858-1932) / National Endowment for the Humanities / Stephanie Browner: To support preparation of a scholarly edition (in printed volumes) of the short stories of American writer Charles W. Chesnutt (1858-1932).
  • Panel / Institute of International Education / Ben Katchor: Panel discussions of Urban Signs and Mural Painters
  • Effects of Changes in Driver Pay on the Gig Economy - Evidence from New York City Before and After Significant Regulatory Changes / Alfred P. Sloan Foundation / James Parrott: To study new city and state policies regarding driver pay and congestion on the New York City "for-hire vehicle" (FHV) labor market.
  • In support of the Democracy 2.0 Project / Carnegie Corporation of New York / Jeffrey Goldfarb: To support a global network of seminars deliberating democracy's contemporary challenges and an effort to disseminate its findings.
  • 2019 NGLS Indoor Evaluations / Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Division / Craig Bernecker: To support the US Dept. of Energy's Solid-State Lighting (SSL) Next Generation Lighting Systems (NGLS) project to evaluate today's connected lighting systems in real-world installations.
  • 400 Years of Inequality / The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation / Mindy Fullilove: To support a collaboration with the University of Orange on the 400 Years of Inequality project.
  • Report on FHV Companies / Data & Society Research Institute, Inc (D&S) / James Parrott: To aid in the preparation of a report on pay and fee variation by NYC app-dispatched FHV companies. Data & Society Research Institute, Inc (D&S) James Parrott
  • 2019 PLA Research Study / CAEL-WICHE / Julia Foulkes: To participate in a research study on prior learning assessment (PLA) examining the relationship between PLA credit-earning and student educational outcomes such as persistence and degree-earning.
  • Digital publication United Nations / Carnegie Corporation of New York / Dulcie Leimbach / Sakiko Fukuda-Parr: For support of a digital publication that covers the United Nations (PassBlue).
  • Coordinated Collection Development Aid / New York State Department of Education / Ed Scarcelle: State funding to support the purchase of materials for the libraries.
  • FY20 City Council Discretionary Award / Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice / Kristin Morse: To support the Institute for Transformative Mentoring.
  • The People's Internet: Building Healthy Place-Based Digital Ecosystems / he Robert Wood Johnson Foundation / Greta Byrum: To document and analyze current community wireless networks and seed two new ones in the Tennessee Valley and NY's Hudson Valley, and to develop a shared framework for measuring and evaluating the impact of community networks. T
  • Realists of a Larger Reality: Ursula K. Le Guin & Design Theory / California Institute for the Arts / Fiona Raby: To enable a lecture at CalArts.

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